Mise à jour Woodwork for Inventor 8.4 (update)

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Woodwork for Inventor 8 change logs :

Woodwork for Inventor 8.4 (Release date: 2018-03-21)

  • Improved - BiesseWorks postprocessor. Now Type of Tool can be specified in spindle name definition and it will be transferred to final CNC program.
  • Improved - Implemented Clamping Corner interpretation for WoodWOP post-processing. Previously Clamping Corner settings was not interpretated by Woodwop post-processor.
  • Improved - Feedrate values source for WoodWOP post-processing. Now is available option to switch feedrate value source. Feedrate value can be set from Woodwop for Inventor machine configuration or values from Woodwop tool data base can be applied.
  • Improved - Other small improvements
  • Fixed - Issue with Edge band calculation.
  • Fixed - issue with Pocked stepover validation.
  • Fixed - Issue with Ramp landing interpretation.
  • Fixed - Issue with Hardware Attachment command when using *.ipt files.
  • Fixed - Issue with incorrect Pocket trajectory calculation.
  • Fixed - Issue with wrong Material Assignment for specific assembly (also valid for mirrored parts with changed grain direction).
  • Fixed - BOM issue when components with the same Part Number and Description was not grouped together, because file names are different.
  • Fixed - Issue when in some cases Auto Technology does not creates CNC technology
  • Fixed - Issue with Ramp landing interpretation in WoodWOP environment.

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